OTA The Koomar Center and the SPIRAL Foundation are committed to providing education and training to therapists working within the field of SPD as well as related fields. Please check these pages regularly for upcoming trainings and events.
SPIRAL is proud to be an approved provider of AOTA continuing education opportunities to occupational therapy practitioners and contact hours to other professionals. Our offerings include:
Intermediate or advanced level in-depth courses including trainings for OTA’s FOCUS and SAFE PLACE programs.
Intermediate level video presentations with a PowerPoint facilitated lecture.
Introductory level discussions.
Introductory level materials.
Become a SPIRAL member to gain access to all prerecorded webinars, all LiveTalks, articles and videos and more.
Please visit the SPIRAL website for upcoming courses or to access over 150 prerecorded courses on a wide variety of subjects related to sensory integration.
Consultations are available with our specialty coordinators including: Professional consultations for challenging clients: OTA offers consultation to occupational therapists, speech and language therapists and other professionals working with challenging clients. A senior therapist or director will review videotapes and reports and then set up a consult over the telephone or Skype to offer insight into potential sensory integration challenges and offer recommendations for intervention. These services are billed at an hourly rate. To set up a consultation please email our executive assistant at admin@otathekoomarcenter.com.
SPIRAL spent many years researching the OTA clinical adult sensory history, including collecting normative data, resulting in the publication of The Adult/Adolescent Sensory History. This self-report assessment of sensory and motor behaviors commonly observed in individuals with difficulties processing and integrating sensory information is designed to help identify adults and adolescents who experience problems in sensory processing and integration as well as assist therapists in clinical reasoning when creating interventions for these individuals.
Please see the SPIRAL website for ordering information.
SPIRAL offers numerous free resources tailored to adults, adolescents and the families of children with sensory processing difficulties, helping them better understand sensory integration difficulties and in turn, better advocate for themselves and their loved ones.
Please access these toolkits on the SPIRAL website.
Connect with a compassionate therapist who’s dedicated to fostering patient development in a welcoming environment.
Learn, grow, and advance your career as an OT or SLP – in one of the nation’s most trusted clinics.
© OTA The Koomar Center